Nokta Makro Metal Detectors Australia

Nokta Dectectors are a leading brand in metal detection around the world. Whether you are searching for a hobby or professionally, Nokta's range of detectors, pinpointers, and accessories are sure to guide you towards the find of your life. Perfect for beginners or long time dectectorists, Nokta is sure to have something suited. 

Nokta Makro Premium S/S Shovel
Nokta Makro Sand Scoop
Nokta Makro SP35 Search Coil (13.5"x12.5") for Simplex+
Nokta Pin Pointer
Nokta Simplex ULTRA
Premium Sand Scoop 3-In-1 Set
Simplex+ Longer Middle Shaft 60cm
Nokta Detector Stand
The Legend Protective Cover