Gear Aid

Just when you think your outdoor gear has failed and is on its last leg - a wetsuit ripped after miles of underwater exploration, a jacket snagged while climbing up a mountain, or a pair of fins exhausted from heavy use in the punishing salt water - Gear Aid is here to help you get it back in fighting shape for your next round of adventures.

Whether you need to patch up a hole in your tent, stitch close a rip in your hiking gear, or waterproof your rain jacket, rest assured Gear Aid has got all of your repair needs covered. 

Gear Aid Black Tenacious Tape
Gear Aid Boot & Shoe Cleaner
Gear Aid ReviveX Down Cleaner
Gear Aid Revivex Leather Boot Care Kit
Gear Aid Sewing Kit
Gear Aid Snow Camo Form Tape
Gear Aid Tri-Glides 1.5"